The New Generation of Information Technology For Mobile Applications


Learn why businesses need to develop portable applications and how such applications affect how businesses operate in this section from Enterprise Class Mobile Application Development: A Complete Lifecycle Approach for Producing Mobile Apps. The challenges posed in the creation of portable apps are also covered, serving as the primary source of inspiration for the remainder of the book.

Reasons for Business Adoption of Mobile Applications

More people throughout the world are using cell phones as their primary means of information acquisition and service requests over the Internet because they are increasingly convenient and natural. Furthermore, most businesses are aware that the preferred device for accessing electronic data among users of their business applications is now a mobile phone (PDAs and tablets), rather than the traditional PCs (desktops and portable workstations). This holds true regardless of whether the intended client for the application is a direct client, a representative, or a partner in commerce.

This significant shift in consumer behaviour has inspired businesses to develop flexible channels for their present business applications and to prepare for novel uses that may take use of the intriguing features of mobile devices. Delivering a flexible application UI for an existing business application has its benefits, but users of portable applications have typically demanded more from their flexible experiences. in order for mobile apps to benefit.

Future-Proof Mobile Units

With Next Generation Mobile Units, you may use the internet to bring WebEx meetings and video conferencing to any room on campus. These are portable carts that the campus community can bring to classrooms or meeting rooms for utilisation.

It enables a teacher to build up a scenario where they can electronically invite other class members, industry professionals, and visiting lecturers into the classroom. This creates the impression that you are in the same room as the other person(s) at an off-campus location (s). This configuration is suitable for classrooms where remote participation is common and for instructors who frequently invite speakers or subject matter experts to address their sessions.

The Next Generation Mobile Units provide employees the impression that they are physically present during a remote video conference with instructors, staff, industry experts, or prospective employees who are located off campus. These devices enable personnel to participate in WebEx meetings via video, interact with vendors, or conduct video interviews. Mobile Units make meetings more enjoyable and give campus staff members a place to host outside experts.

upcoming portable devices

Personal TelePresence systems for your desktop are portable EX90 units. Whether you are separated by a corridor, a street, or multiple time zones, they let you and your coworkers to quickly collaborate face-to-face.

These portable devices enable staff and academics to conduct video interviews, hold vendor meetings, or join WebEx meetings via video right from their desktop or meeting location.