Reasons Why Mobile Apps Are Better Than Websites in 2022


Today, who doesn't have a smartphone? According to Statista, there are currently more than 78 percent of smartphone owners worldwide, and this percentage is expected to rise. In reality, according to Statista, there will be close to 5.9 billion mobile or smartphone users worldwide. Now, isn't it a very significant number?

With this, even companies are learning more about the advantages of implementing a mobile strategy right now. The number of people who exclusively use mobile devices has surpassed the number of people who only use desktop computers.

You could now be wondering which is better: a mobile app or a website that is also compatible with mobile devices. Having a mobile application is always a better and wiser decision to thrive nowadays, even though both a website and a mobile application can function on mobile devices or smartphones.

And here are the explanations for why, in 2022, every company must go for mobile application development rather than website development.

Websites are substantially slower than mobile apps:

A mobile application is the best option if you want your users or clients to finish their duties more quickly. When compared to the performance of websites and their servers, an app—whether it be for Android, Windows, or iOS—has proven to be roughly 1.5 times faster.

Because app stores employ local storage data, retrieving and loading information on mobile devices is much faster. Unlike webpages, which require you to retrieve the data from the webserver, which requires you to rely on your internet connection speed.

Better personalization is available through mobile applications:

Personalized content is the secret to closing transactions more quickly. Applications once more show to be superior to websites in this situation. Better filter options are available in mobile apps, allowing users to choose whatever they want from the app based on their own preferences and usage patterns.

Additionally, once a mobile app is installed on a user's device, they may launch it by just tapping on the icon, but every time they want to access a website, they must know the unique URL. This is yet another factor that makes using applications superior and more individualised to using websites.

provides the capacity to operate even in offline mode:

While mobile apps can be used to some extent even when there is no internet connection or simply when you are offline, websites completely depend on the availability of the internet. This doesn't actually imply that you can use a mobile app entirely offline, but it does imply that you can use the app's essential features without an internet connection. To access a mobile app's advanced features and functionalities, you must, of course, be online.

Instant updates and simpler push notification sending:

 If a user has your mobile app installed on their device, you can quickly and easily send push notifications to them about deals, new products, special offers, discounts, and other things. Although you can send push notifications to users through websites, not all web browsers support this feature, so keep that in mind when sending push notifications.

Presently, users explore mobile apps for longer:

Websites are far less liked and used than mobile applications. The ease and convenience of using an app leads to a mobile user opening it 9 to 10 times per day, but other websites are not even opened once per day by mobile users. This only means that a mobile app is required in place of a website if you want a higher return on investment and more users.

A better online presence:

When compared to websites, mobile applications are simpler to explore and use. Today's developers have access to a variety of trends and tools for building even more inventive and beautiful mobile apps, assuring a stronger online presence for the company.

Faster and simpler conversion stream:

 Mobile applications offer fast and real-time conversion alternatives to ensure smooth and rapid contact between the users and the brand, in contrast to websites that can only be opened on browsers by typing the URL of the websites. To communicate with the company, customers only need to tap once on the device to launch the app.

Now that more and more consumers across the world are spending more time using various mobile applications to meet practically all of their needs, it is time for you to consider developing a mobile app as well to increase your ROI and draw in more users from all over the world.