How to Hire a Mobile App Developer?


We are regarded as one of the best American firms for developing mobile applications. Therefore, our recommendation is to use our business for your app development demands. But we are also aware of how challenging it may be to pick an app development business, particularly if you have never done anything comparable before. We wanted to post something that will aid you in making a decision because of this.

Ask app developers the nine questions we've addressed here when you find them. To choose the best business, you need to know these information. Make sure to ask these inquiries of each potential app development business. If the responses satisfy you, you may have identified the best business.

1. Where can I find some of the mobile applications you've created?

The portfolio of an app development business is the finest indication of its abilities. Consider carefully both the app's design and the difficulties of development before hiring an app development business. Users will fall in love with your app if it has great design and a great user experience. Here is our collection of fantastic apps.

2. Could you provide me with any client references?

It is critical to know that the business's prior customers were happy. Request at least a few customer testimonials from the business. Recently, we began gathering client testimonials for this page. Reviews on this website have been called to confirm them.

3. How will communication work out during the design phase?

A project's success depends on effective communication. Once the project is underway in Messapps, we connect you to our project management tool. You can speak with the project managers, designers, and developers there. You will receive updates with fresh screens virtually every day while the wireframes and design phases are in progress. You are able to communicate with our team in real-time and request adjustments to be made as soon as feasible. In addition to maintaining in touch with everyone on the team throughout the development phase, we will also link your phone to our testing server.Through our server, you will be receiving new versions of the app that you’ll be able to test on your phone. In addition to communicating through our system, we are always open to calls and meetings in our office. To choose the right mobile app developer, make sure that they have a flawless communication process.

4. Will I possess the app's source code?

You must, without a doubt. We object to some developers' practises of charging extra for source code ownership. That is illogical in every way. Your concept, application, and code are all original.

5. How can I monetize my app?

When developing an app, this is possibly the most crucial question to ask yourself, and an app development business should be able to provide the answer. Developing an app entails launching a business. It's a pastime if you don't know how you're going to turn a profit. There are three primary ways to monetize your app.

Start by charging for app downloads.

  • Advantage: you get the money the moment a user downloads the app. 
  • Disadvantage: people are less willing to pay for an app before using it. 

The second model is the freemium one, where users must pay to access certain features or material after downloading the app.

  • Advantage: you maximize the number of people who can download the app. 
  • Disadvantage: likely, only a small percentage of all users will end up paying for the app. 

The third option is to display adverts within the app.

  • Advantage: you still get the maximum number of users, and all content is unlocked for them. 
  • Disadvantage: it takes away from the app experience; users may be  annoyed by ads. If it is set up incorrectly, they even might leave bad reviews.

Check out our articles on mobile app networks and platforms and app monetization techniques to learn more about it.

6. How will my app be tested?

The testing phase of the app development process is crucial. Once the development process has begun, we continuously test your application. In fact, we devote an additional week to testing alone at the conclusion of the development phase. You may download the app and test the most recent version while it was still being developed.

7 Will you upload my application to the app stores?

You need the assistance of an app development business to submit your software to app stores. Additionally, they must ensure that it is accepted. Your app does not exist for anyone other than you without submission. It is undetectable. Of course, we'll submit the application for you. We'll submit your software and guide you through the approval process, whether it's for Google Play or the Apple App Store.

8. Must I make the whole payment up front?

Never, Jose! The payout in Messapps is broken down into four milestones. For instance, you only pay for the wireframes when we begin creating them. You don't pay for the design until you've approved the wireframes. We begin the actual development after the final design has been completed and authorised. We are currently asking for only 75% of the development cost from you. Only once you have approved the finished app will the remaining 25% be charged. With this payment plan, you won't have to pay the entire sum up front and you won't make the last payment until you are satisfied with the outcome.

9. Can we discuss the app in person at your office?

Often, explaining your concept in person is the most effective approach to do so. You are more than welcome to visit our office at 1460 Broadway if you are in New York. There is free coffee. It's also no problem if you reside anywhere other than New York. In actuality, most of our clients—about 90%—come from other states.

Naturally, the epidemic has had an impact on our life. Despite being on opposite ends of the country, digitalization of business operations enables us to establish full-fledged communication.

We are pleased to communicate via email, phone, or Skype. As soon as the project begins, we will connect you to our project management tool so you may communicate with any team members.

Please feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you have any additional queries. We'll be glad to assist you!