5 Qualities of a Successful Mobile App


There haven't been this many tech startups since the dot com era. People have been enticed to emulate success stories like Instagram and Twitter by their success. However, the rivalry is fierce due to the growing number of apps available in the app stores (1.6 million in the Google Play store and 2 million in the Apple app store as of June 2016).

We examined the key areas that app development companies concentrate on when creating an app for a client. Messapps, a NYC-based app development company, lists 5 qualities your app must have to be successful.

attractive and distinctive design

With so much competition, app designers must create a stunning product. In this stage, you are essentially branding and packaging the app. Even if two already-existing businesses provide essentially the same service, difference and eventual success are greatly influenced by design.

The design must be visually appealing. Through the screen, sophistication and inventiveness need to scream. Additionally, achieving peak design requires more than just aesthetics. The app's push and swipe gestures should be so enjoyable to use because of the animations.

Despite being a visual treat, design alone won't propel your app to the top of the app store. In actuality, placing too much focus on complex design could hurt your software. The platform's screen size places restrictions on an app. The user experience will be negatively impacted by excessive activity. Which brings us to the next trait... Excellent user interface

  • Excellent user interface (User Interface)

Humans have a tendency to evaluate an app quickly after using it. We evaluate books based on their covers, so it makes sense that we would do the same with apps. Therefore, a killer user interface is the key to leaving a positive, long-lasting impression.

The word "intuitive," which is essential to effective UI, must be used. So you want your app to perform fantastically in ways that people enjoy. Finding ways to execute all of the critical tasks that make up your programme in the simplest, cleanest, and most fluid manner possible is the challenging part.

Avoid design components that don't offer a use or function to the programme for the UI to be unobtrusive. It is deleted if it adds no value. It's crucial that the consumer finds using the app easy right away. minimising the learning curve as much as possible while yet offering all the functionality that will ensure the success of your project.

  • Platform acceptable

The app needs to work flawlessly on the platform it was designed for. It should benefit from the inherent features of that particular smartphone or tablet.

Both iOS and Android have a variety of gesture-based navigation features. A squeeze of the screen can zoom in or out and swipes create new screens while eliminating others. The mobile platform itself is what the motions rely on. To offer a user-friendly navigation experience, developers must be aware of these platform-specific gestures.

  • Be open to criticism, and strive for 5-star ratings.

Maintaining high user satisfaction ratings inspires additional users to sign up and share the word. Many people research a product before buying it in order to feel more confident in doing so. Analyzing other people's thoughts is essential in the digital age because, in many circumstances, you cannot physically see or try the goods before buying it. A potential user will feel quite confident if there are many favourable reviews. The likelihood is that they will adore the app if such a vast group does.

Negative reviews, on the other hand, will be quite damaging. The occasional unfavourable review is practically inevitable, but if they are more frequent or numerous than the positive ones, your app may end up failing, which is a real worry.

  • Adaptation

Gaining some success is nice, but if you can't keep it up, it's all for naught. For your app to grow and last, you must regularly release updates that include new features, bug fixes, and other improvements. With over 250 million downloads, the popular gaming software Angry Birds was undoubtedly entertaining to play, but it wasn't the only factor in its success. Every now and again, Angry Birds released new, entertaining updates. The user will ultimately become bored with the sameness and want to try something new.


The market for smartphone apps is rife with competition. Even though the industry is still crowded, you should always remain confident in your concept. Your competitors will be utterly destroyed if you successfully incorporate these 5 traits.